Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Little Catch Up...

Happy New Year.... In March.
I feel like we hit the ground running when we
got back from the states in March. I knew I was
coming back to the electrical situation that still
wasn't solved, But PRAISE JESUS! it now is.
I am HAPPY to say that En Gedi is now
'officially' done with the electrical passing 
of the house. 
In January all the electrical lines running 
from the outside of the house to the main 
road, had to be ripped out and replaced with
a 'heavier' wire that was able to carry the
load of the house, and get us a 'pass' on 
the electrical inspection. It was NOT a very fun 
2 weeks but I am thankful its now done.
In Feb. the JOC was here and we were blessed
by their visit and all the time and effort they put in
for us here in Jamaica and at En Gedi.
In Feb. I was also able to have a good talk with 
the head of CPFSA (formally CDA) at the
Mandeville office (where we work out of) to
make sure En Gedi was still ok and met all
the requirements with the recent restructuring 
of CDA (Child Development Agency) to CPFSA
(Child Protection & Family Services Agency).
Some of the questions I had for her she was unable
to answer. So I was able to set up a call with the 
head of child placement for CPFSA island wide to try and get 
answers to my questions. Ms Shirley was very
helpful and assured us that we are exactly where
we needed to be.
A few weeks later we got a call that 2 little boys
were in need of some care. We were happy to
be able to say Yes.
 We welcomed 1 month old Little K
He is a little smuggler who is not a fan of mornings.
Thankfully so far nights have not been
bad with him waking up just a few times
and going right back to bed. Please be prayerful
for him as they look to find him a forever family.

 And 5 month old Little M
This boy is perfection! He is so laid back,
I didn't hear him really cry the first 5 days he was
here. He only fusses when he is getting
hungry or tired. Other than that he just
sits and smiles at you, or talks with you,
and chews on his hands.
PRAISE JESUS! He is a rockstar sleeper
and thus far has been sleeping 12-13 hours
a night.
Please be prayerful for him as there is limited
documentation as of now I only know his first name.
I don't have a surname, a birth date. there is no 
immunization book/ for him. Prayers as he gets
placed with his forever family.
 Neiah fell right back into Big Sister mode
with great excitement. I think Little M
would be her favorite as he has now
become her sole student in her class she
teaches, and she now has someone to listen to 
her chat on and on, and he just follows her
around with his eyes and smiles:)

Our first Sabbath going to church with the boys.
Praise Jesus for a great church family 
that jumped in and helped with the boys
so I can still interpret for church.

I am thankful to say I have been contacting
and have found some ladies to run along side us
and help with the boys. Prayers for us all
as we get this all figured out. This is so new for
all of us and a big learning curve for me. Please
be prayerful as we could use some more 'helpers'
especially at night to take care of the boys so I can
get some sleep.


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