Saturday, June 9, 2018

Sea Container

Last week we were blessed with the arrival of one
of Harvest Calls bi annual sea containers, and with it
came donations, and supplies that (Lord Willing) will
help us the next 6+ months.
An added blessing of this was the timing of the 
sea containers arrival to us from port, was the same
time that a Harvest Call team was at JDV (where we unload 
the sea container to sort and later distribute using box trucks.)
It was a huge blessing to have the extra hands as we unloaded, 
(it arrived at 10 p.m. at night), and then the next few days sorted, 
and reloaded into box trucks to be delivered to the local ministires
we support En Gedi included.
It was also wonderful to have lots of eager hands that were willing to 
hold and play with a cute baby boy so I could spend a few hours each 
day focused on the sea container distributions.

So thankful another one is done and we are now set up
for the next few months!

Running Away

In May the kids and I were blessed with a long weekend (Labor Day
here in Jamaica). Neiah was off school, and this gave us the 
perfect opportunity to run away for the weekend.
 We were able to get a good price on a hotel we love and is 
very kid friendly.
 for 4 days we spent our days going back and forth from the pool
 to the beach/ocean.
This time away was very much needed all around. I am so thankful
God blessed us with this opportunity for us to relax, slow down 
and just have fun for a few days.
Now back to reality.