Thursday, August 29, 2019

Back Home!

 The End of July- Aug, God Blessed Neiah and I with an opportunity
to travel to the states. He provided the perfect people (the only person)
who we knew, and trusted to move into our home for a month and who
was willing to take on the responsibility of our 3 En Gedi babies. And
above all the CPFSA had to approve her and they did! So with her
assistance, and the Amazing help of the Aunties who already help us,
Neiah and I were able to step away to refresh with family and friends 
for a month.
 As much time as possible was spent with cousins.
 We got a long weekend in Tenn.
 with extended family...
 And our favorite Aunt Becki.

After a much appreciated and needed month away
for Neiah and I, we were ready to come back home
to our babies.
 It took us a weekend at home to get acclimated
back to reality with littles, but now we are settled
and loving life. 

This guy has made some great strides in our time away.
He has learned some new words, became very protective
of his little sisters, and now mimics EVERYTHING we do
as he continues to learn and develop. 
A little catch up with him. He came back from his last Hospital 
appointment with lots of vitamins and creams and a Rx. 
He also came back with more appointments. One that is tomorrow,
so far they have not been able to get him transportation to and from 
his appointment tomorrow. Prayers appreciated that a ride can be found,
and that his results are all positive.
 Little Miss A grew one massive gangly tooth while we were
away. So now every time she gives us one of her big A smiles
we now see her one gangly tooth :). She now pulls herself up on 
anything and anyone who is around. She LOVES chasing Jacob
and Neiah around the house, and playing with whatever they 
have in their hands. She has a wide range to her voice and loves to 
growl, 'sing' nicely, or scream at us most of the day.

 Little D changed the most while we away. She is now rolling
all over. You put her down and away she rolls at just 3 months.
 She also has become a finger sucker. And loves to have all the 
things in her mouth always.
 mostly, its because while we were away she pushed
2 teeth out from month2-3!. I have never had a baby
teeth so early, and it looks like they will just keep coming.
An update on her situation. Sadly I read her family situation 
completely wrong. Her birth mom was not going above and 
beyond that first time because she was fighting for Miss D. 
Instead, that was her birth moms way of saying goodbye as 
she was putting her baby girl up for adoption. Please be prayerful
that she can be matched with a family quickly so she can bond 
properly with them. 