Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Prayers Appreciated

 Last week (or the week before), I got a call from 
the children's hospital in Kingston looking for  Big J.
apparently he is in a medical study, or testing group... or something
(they could not tell me over the phone), and became worried
when he continually missed his appointments and went looking 
for him. We had no idea Jacob had a medical condition. I tried
asking his social worker and they were unaware of any medical
condition either. Whatever is going on with Big J requires him
to do testing next week on the 18th at the children's hospital in
Kingston. I asked if it could happen in MV, but apparently 
whatever he needs can only be done in Kingston.
Prayers appreciated as he prepares to go next week. and that 
through this we can get some answers to what is going on with him.

Prayers for little Miss D. She goes back to court on the 16th.
I assumed/ prayed that she would be placed back with her
family on this court visit, but the social worker informed me today,
that she is being placed up for adoption (she thinks) and so will be with 
us for a while longer. Please be prayerful for Miss D's mom. She
cried and cried at the last court appointment. Prayers that Miss D
can get into her forever family quickly so she can bond would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks