Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Finding a new groove.

We  have once more settled into a new normal here at En Gedi.
 A little glimpse of what bags are packed with when kids arrive.
* diapers
*clothes (most in sizes way to big or way to small)
* a rag
*a cheese snack (with no nutritional value and made mostly of air)
*a sugary juice drink.
* and she arrived with one 'toy' a headless chicken.
 The first few days consisted of her constantly
packing and repacking this little blue plastic basket
as she told me "bye", and "taxi soon come", "daddy soon
come", "grandma soon come"
 Miss J has now been with us for a week and a half and 
she seems to have settled in. She still doesn't sleep through the night.
I don't know if she wakes up from night terrors, or just wakes up and 
gets scared when its dark and doesn't see anyone. So we moved the littles
around and the night Auntie now sleeps in a room with Little D and Miss J
so that we are not woken in the middle of the night with her screams. And Lady A now 
sleeps in a room by herself since she is the only little that sleeps all night.

 Neiah is still her favorite and as soon as she gets home from school
until bed time she sticks close by her side.
She loves playing outside and will stay out on the back porch for 
as long as she can.

Lady A is doing great. She is now 10 months and 
constantly moving
 She loves to dance and spins and bounces on her bottom
around the living room whenever music is on.
She has also stood up on her own a few times when she bounces 
really high on her bottom. She doesn't realize what she has
done or how she is doing it, but once she is up she just starts 
running until she falls over.
Little D, is growing way to quickly. She too is constantly
moving, and only pauses to put things in her mouth to gum 
on as she seems to be always teething. Slobber streams and
blowing bubbles are her thing.

Prayers appreciated for Miss J's family that they can meet all
the requirements CPFSA has so Miss J can safely go home in a 
few weeks.