Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Meet Little A

Yesterday around noon I got a call asking if we could
take in a 1 month old for a few weeks. I told them
we would love to, and then I was informed she was
at court now but I would get a call when court was
over. I tried to get as much ready, without making
it obvious to Neiah when she would get home from
school just in case the baby didn't come I didn't want
her to be disappointed.
At 4:30 I still hadn't gotten a call so 
I called CDA again to check in and see if
we for sure would be getting a baby that night, or
if plans had changed. I was told they had not and
at 5 we were called to come collect Little A from 
the CDA office.
Neiah was BEYOND excited that Jesus had
sent us a baby to care for. She ran right into CDA 
and I thought she was going to take the baby right
out of the social workers hands :)
 Neiah once more smoothly transitioned into the role
of big sister, holding, reading to, and singing to Little A
Little A arrived with a nasty chest cold, but Praise
Jesus thanks to the help of oils, and a humidifier,
she had a peaceful night sleep.
 Brita didn't know what to think of Little A. She
just continued to walk circles around her and every
once in a while would bark at her. :)
 We had Little A less then 24 hours, but Neiah
soaked in every possible min. she could loving on her.
So Thankful for a few hours to love on this little girl.

An added blessing to getting to love on Little A. Was when we
picked her up at CDA last night we got her from Mrs Henry (the head of
the CDA office in MV). She was the one who also picked her
up today to take her to Kingston. When she came (Along with
Ms Lyons who is now working with the kids in the court system and knows
 when kids get removed and are in need of placement.) both her and Ms
Lyons were able to go through En Gedi for the first time and were
so excited to see the new place, and how we are now better
able to accommodate babies. And also Mrs Henry could not believe
how much better (sick wise) Little A looked and sounded in just 
a short time with us.

Praise God for his healing over little A, and for continually providing 
steps forward for us.

Please be praying for Little A as she transitions into her
long term placement.

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