Friday, September 6, 2019

Lots Going On.

En Gedi officially has a 2 year old!
Big J turned 2 on Monday, and with it
has come the 'terribles' okay not really,
but he has started pushing limits and his
naughtiness has seemed to intensify 
since then :)
 I think Neiah was more excited about
the birthday party then Jacob was.
 He had no idea what was going on.
 But loved getting a cupcake and 
kept such focus while eating it, making
sure not to let any hit the floor.

An update on J. He came back last Sat. from his
clinical appointment, and sadly he came back with
more appointments, and a surgery that needs to be 
scheduled. Instead of appointments calming down (or
even stopping) they just keep coming and multiplying. 
And they all have to happen in Kingston. Next week alone
he has 2 different appointments in Kingston. 1 for an ultrasound
of his abdomin and one for a hearing test with JAD.
His social worker made the comment when she brought him back
Sat. that with all these appointments he may need to be moved
to a home closer (or in Kingston). Prayers for wisdom appreciated 
as we figure this out. We would hate to see him go, BUT we also 
know what a burden it is for a social worker to drive hours each way 
just to pick him up and take him to each appointment.

Now on to this lady. Yesterday Little Miss D had
her 3 month check up and with it Dr. found she had
a heart murmur, and gave us a refer to get an 
Eco-cardiogram done. Praise! They only do 
Eco-cardiograms the first Sat. of each month for littles
like her. and we were able to get an appointment for
her, tomorrow. I am so thankful we just had to 
wait 2 days and not a month before her heart
could be tested and we can figure out next
steps for her.
Prayers appreciated. Thanks!

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