Monday, December 2, 2019

Little S

Last month we got a call to take in 
a newborn who needed a place to stay 
for just 2 days until she could be transported
to Mobay. Almost a month later she finally
moved on.
Little S was not an easy baby, but she was very lovable, 
and so worth the extra time and attention. We were 
thankful for her time with us, and that we could get
her to a healthy place before she left us.
Please be prayerful as she transitions into her
new home. Thanks!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Happy Birthday Miss A!

We welcomed this little lady back in Feb.
 She arrived chill and with the biggest smile.
And over the last 8 months not much has changed with 
her personality....
But my how she has grown!
 Happy 1st Birthday Miss A!
We love getting to spend this time with you,
and celebrating your 1st year of life.
 She had no desire to eat her cupcake.
She just sat there and looked at it until
I broke off a piece and put it in her mouth.
She liked it, but still didn't want to put it in her
mouth. It was much more fun to play with.:)

Monday, November 11, 2019

A busy week.

 The last update I think Miss D got left out so we will 
start with her. She now creeps around pretty quickly when
she is on the ground. She typically wants only to play with 
the things that move on her when she tries to get them,
and spends most of her days frustrated that the toys
don't cooperate:). She loves to sit in her 'high chair'
and bang on it like a drum. She does really well sitting up
on her own, and is already trying to pull herself up on things
at 5 mos old. Thankfully she doesn't get very far with that yet.

She has 5 teeth, and they way she gums on things I 
am assuming more are on the way. She LOVES
playing with her feet, and she slobbers through bibs
in about 10 mins flat.  
 Lady A is (we think) getting her top 2 teeth in. She spends
most of her days with her mouth in the same position as
the picture above as she guards whatever is going on in
there with her lips and bottom to teeth:)
 This past week we were blessed to host the JOC
(Jamaica Operations Committee) her on the island,
and with them this time came some reps. from ACCFS.
ACCFS had us take some personality assessments a few
months ago then came down and went over them with us,
so we could know each of our team members better,
to help us work together better.

 The JOC, & Counslers from ACCFS with team Jamaica
Team Jamaica

 We had a slow Sunday Morning
(Thanks God!)
So we took some pictures of the babies.

Prayers appreciated for Miss S. 
I took her in to CPFSA last week Friday for them to 
see she was healthy and ready to be moved to her new home.
Well, apparently a bed opened up at a local home that they
decided to move her to instead of the 'good' home they
had initially found for her. This local home I know she will
be placed in a bed to cry most of the day, and I don't want that 
for her, but I also want to make sure I am not running ahead
of God and His plans for Miss S. Prayers for wisdom are

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Here we go again... Hello Change!

I feel like there has been a lot going on the past week.
As we once more welcomed change, and new experiences
all at the same time.

 We don't have Halloween here in Jamaica,
but the girls still love to dress up so we did:).
We have a princess,
A mermaid.
A Mickey Mouse,
and a Jack O Lantern.
 After a month plus of looking the social worker finally
found a home for Miss J. We took her in on a temporary
basis. She was really to "old" for us, but we didn't want
her just sitting in a hospital all alone, and we are thankful
for our time with her.
 One Friday she was moved to a great home in Mobay.
I was thankful for the place she was going. I knew it,
knew it was run well, and was thankful and peaceful
that she would thrive in her time there with kids her 
own age.
 Wednesday night (Oct 31) we got a call. They had just
removed a newborn and had placement in Mobay, but
needed a place to keep her in MV until Friday when she
would ride with Miss J to Mobay to her new home there.
We (I) gladly welcomed her. Neiah came around quickly.
Miss J and Miss A didn't want anything to do with her.
Big D didn't pay her any mind:) So then we had 4 little girls:)
When she arrived the Social workers asked me to get
her to the Dr. first thing the next morning as she was
born premie, spent a bunch of time after her birth in the 
NICU, then had never been back since her mom took 
her out of the hospital and they wanted to make sure 
everything was okay with her. So first thing the next day I took her
 in for her 6 weeks shots (she hadn't had any vaccination thus far). 
Lady S is 7 weeks and 7 lbs big:). She arrived with a NASTY rash 
all over her body that was diagnosed as scabies
 (its like lice for the skin, very contagious, very irritating). 
NOT GOOD. Because of this new diagnosis no one would take her.
 We collected the needed Rx to treat the scabies and began
 the process to get her healed, while  quarantining her here,
 and scrubbing down everything she used over and over,
We also took preventative measures with the other babies washing 
them with a special soap so they didn't get it.
Other then that she seemed to be healthy.
 We PRAISE JESUS, that after her scabies treatment (x2)
some bathes with special soap, and the use of essential oils,
we are now on day 4 and she looks so much better, and we
are starting to see a not so miserable baby. She does love to be held,
and we can't really blame her. Lady S has had a very rough start to life.
Thankful for teens from church who are willing
to spend their weekends hanging out holding needy
babies so I can still get things done.
Prayers appreciated for Lady S that she can be fully healed,
and also that no other kids get it.
And super thankful for Aunties who are willing to work night
shifts on the weekend while she is here so I can still sleep:).
Thanks for all your prayers and support!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Finding a new groove.

We  have once more settled into a new normal here at En Gedi.
 A little glimpse of what bags are packed with when kids arrive.
* diapers
*clothes (most in sizes way to big or way to small)
* a rag
*a cheese snack (with no nutritional value and made mostly of air)
*a sugary juice drink.
* and she arrived with one 'toy' a headless chicken.
 The first few days consisted of her constantly
packing and repacking this little blue plastic basket
as she told me "bye", and "taxi soon come", "daddy soon
come", "grandma soon come"
 Miss J has now been with us for a week and a half and 
she seems to have settled in. She still doesn't sleep through the night.
I don't know if she wakes up from night terrors, or just wakes up and 
gets scared when its dark and doesn't see anyone. So we moved the littles
around and the night Auntie now sleeps in a room with Little D and Miss J
so that we are not woken in the middle of the night with her screams. And Lady A now 
sleeps in a room by herself since she is the only little that sleeps all night.

 Neiah is still her favorite and as soon as she gets home from school
until bed time she sticks close by her side.
She loves playing outside and will stay out on the back porch for 
as long as she can.

Lady A is doing great. She is now 10 months and 
constantly moving
 She loves to dance and spins and bounces on her bottom
around the living room whenever music is on.
She has also stood up on her own a few times when she bounces 
really high on her bottom. She doesn't realize what she has
done or how she is doing it, but once she is up she just starts 
running until she falls over.
Little D, is growing way to quickly. She too is constantly
moving, and only pauses to put things in her mouth to gum 
on as she seems to be always teething. Slobber streams and
blowing bubbles are her thing.

Prayers appreciated for Miss J's family that they can meet all
the requirements CPFSA has so Miss J can safely go home in a 
few weeks.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


The only thing we know we can
expect here is change. We get a call
and new littles come, we get another
call and they go. We don't get a say.
We just get to love them and care
for them the best we can while they
are here with us at En Gedi.

 This week we got the call that my 'gut' had been
telling me was coming for a week now. He had
been gone for almost 2 weeks, and the medical
appointments in Kingston continued to get added.
For his consistency, and so he would be closer to 
the children't hospital, Big J was moved to
a home in Kingston. 
 Please be prayerful for him that he
can thrive there. That all the great strides
he made here with us, continue and that
he doesn't just get lost in the mix there.

A few days later we got another call.
There was a 2 year old waiting in a hospital
would we be willing to take her in.
We do our best to stick to babies 0-2,
but in times like these we are willing 
to step up as God calls and take them in
to get them out of the hospital, and love
them until long term placement can be
found for them.
 So Thursday we welcomed another 2 year old (almost 3)
Miss J. She is a big lady, so smart, and the opposite
of our quiet and calm, Big J that just left us.
Prayers for Miss J and her time with us. She comes with 
a lot. A lot of experiences a 2 year old should never have.
And She is our first placement that has come directly 
after being removed from her family. So this is her first 
"children's home" experience.
So thankful for Neiah at these times. She can step in
and love and play with them in a way that already
Miss J looks for. With the other littles my focus can't 
be solely on her, so she sticks close to Neiah her
favorite playmate:)

Friday, September 6, 2019

Lots Going On.

En Gedi officially has a 2 year old!
Big J turned 2 on Monday, and with it
has come the 'terribles' okay not really,
but he has started pushing limits and his
naughtiness has seemed to intensify 
since then :)
 I think Neiah was more excited about
the birthday party then Jacob was.
 He had no idea what was going on.
 But loved getting a cupcake and 
kept such focus while eating it, making
sure not to let any hit the floor.

An update on J. He came back last Sat. from his
clinical appointment, and sadly he came back with
more appointments, and a surgery that needs to be 
scheduled. Instead of appointments calming down (or
even stopping) they just keep coming and multiplying. 
And they all have to happen in Kingston. Next week alone
he has 2 different appointments in Kingston. 1 for an ultrasound
of his abdomin and one for a hearing test with JAD.
His social worker made the comment when she brought him back
Sat. that with all these appointments he may need to be moved
to a home closer (or in Kingston). Prayers for wisdom appreciated 
as we figure this out. We would hate to see him go, BUT we also 
know what a burden it is for a social worker to drive hours each way 
just to pick him up and take him to each appointment.

Now on to this lady. Yesterday Little Miss D had
her 3 month check up and with it Dr. found she had
a heart murmur, and gave us a refer to get an 
Eco-cardiogram done. Praise! They only do 
Eco-cardiograms the first Sat. of each month for littles
like her. and we were able to get an appointment for
her, tomorrow. I am so thankful we just had to 
wait 2 days and not a month before her heart
could be tested and we can figure out next
steps for her.
Prayers appreciated. Thanks!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Back Home!

 The End of July- Aug, God Blessed Neiah and I with an opportunity
to travel to the states. He provided the perfect people (the only person)
who we knew, and trusted to move into our home for a month and who
was willing to take on the responsibility of our 3 En Gedi babies. And
above all the CPFSA had to approve her and they did! So with her
assistance, and the Amazing help of the Aunties who already help us,
Neiah and I were able to step away to refresh with family and friends 
for a month.
 As much time as possible was spent with cousins.
 We got a long weekend in Tenn.
 with extended family...
 And our favorite Aunt Becki.

After a much appreciated and needed month away
for Neiah and I, we were ready to come back home
to our babies.
 It took us a weekend at home to get acclimated
back to reality with littles, but now we are settled
and loving life. 

This guy has made some great strides in our time away.
He has learned some new words, became very protective
of his little sisters, and now mimics EVERYTHING we do
as he continues to learn and develop. 
A little catch up with him. He came back from his last Hospital 
appointment with lots of vitamins and creams and a Rx. 
He also came back with more appointments. One that is tomorrow,
so far they have not been able to get him transportation to and from 
his appointment tomorrow. Prayers appreciated that a ride can be found,
and that his results are all positive.
 Little Miss A grew one massive gangly tooth while we were
away. So now every time she gives us one of her big A smiles
we now see her one gangly tooth :). She now pulls herself up on 
anything and anyone who is around. She LOVES chasing Jacob
and Neiah around the house, and playing with whatever they 
have in their hands. She has a wide range to her voice and loves to 
growl, 'sing' nicely, or scream at us most of the day.

 Little D changed the most while we away. She is now rolling
all over. You put her down and away she rolls at just 3 months.
 She also has become a finger sucker. And loves to have all the 
things in her mouth always.
 mostly, its because while we were away she pushed
2 teeth out from month2-3!. I have never had a baby
teeth so early, and it looks like they will just keep coming.
An update on her situation. Sadly I read her family situation 
completely wrong. Her birth mom was not going above and 
beyond that first time because she was fighting for Miss D. 
Instead, that was her birth moms way of saying goodbye as 
she was putting her baby girl up for adoption. Please be prayerful
that she can be matched with a family quickly so she can bond 
properly with them. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Prayers Appreciated

 Last week (or the week before), I got a call from 
the children's hospital in Kingston looking for  Big J.
apparently he is in a medical study, or testing group... or something
(they could not tell me over the phone), and became worried
when he continually missed his appointments and went looking 
for him. We had no idea Jacob had a medical condition. I tried
asking his social worker and they were unaware of any medical
condition either. Whatever is going on with Big J requires him
to do testing next week on the 18th at the children's hospital in
Kingston. I asked if it could happen in MV, but apparently 
whatever he needs can only be done in Kingston.
Prayers appreciated as he prepares to go next week. and that 
through this we can get some answers to what is going on with him.

Prayers for little Miss D. She goes back to court on the 16th.
I assumed/ prayed that she would be placed back with her
family on this court visit, but the social worker informed me today,
that she is being placed up for adoption (she thinks) and so will be with 
us for a while longer. Please be prayerful for Miss D's mom. She
cried and cried at the last court appointment. Prayers that Miss D
can get into her forever family quickly so she can bond would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks