The gate motor got put on this week
So now we can just push a button and
it opens nicely for us. No more getting
out to unlock it and open it manually.
The House is all primed and ready to be painted.
The back porch was formed up
and the corners were poured.
a half gate was made and installed to
separate the porch from the garage.
The living room floor is now all tiled
Lord willing they will finish up all the inside tiling
The spare room has been painted and
the floor hopefully after today will be tiled.
We have a tub.
Its sitting in the middle of the hallway, but we have one.
the bathroom cupboards are now in. The guys
from the factory had to come shave them down a
little to get them to fit. We are thankful to have
them in.
We now have a dead line of 2 weeks.
Prayers appreciated as we make this final push.