Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 4

This week Monday- Tuesday most of use here on the 
island were holed up in our homes waiting to see what 
the storm would do.
But not our workers, they were at En Gedi working!
I got a text early Monday morning from our contractor
asking me what they should do. I told him " do what he
thought was best."  Wednesday when I arrived at
En Gedi I was amazed at all that had been done.
When I talked to Adrian, that morning, telling him 
how impressed I was on all that had gotten done. I had
no expectations of them going into work on the days
almost everyone else was at home waiting to see what 
the storm would do. His response "I learned something
from Mr. Chad (Chad Huber was a missionary here with 
his family about 5 years ago). One day it was raining 
and I didn't come into work for him. He called me and
asked me where I was, and why was I not at work. 
When I told him I didn't come in because it was raining,
he told me this: "If you have work, you come to work. If the 
boss then sends you home thats fine. But you always come
to work." I never forgot that, and ever since, unless I hear
different I come to work!"
(Chad was CLEARLY a much better 'boss' then I!)
 The chain link fence posts were set, and now we 
are just waiting until the hardware store gets the
chain link that we are going to put by the part of our
property that takes run off from the road.
 The septic pit has been dung 
(by hand)
 The front gate posts have been poured

The font wall was expanded

The side wall was built up
It has rained most of the week here, making the
grounds at the house VERY muddy. I spent about 15
min. trying to get out of the gate Friday morning (after
arriving at the house to unlock it for the workers) so 
I could take Neiah to school. I kept getting stuck
and simply spinning my wheels.
Thankfully the workers showed up, and was able
to stratigically drive my car up in a way that I got 
it back on the road.
This little guy continues to do good and grow
daily. We are still working at sleeping at night
instead of all day. But he is a joy, and we continue
to love this time with him.

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