Tuesday, June 16, 2020


We have been spending just about all our time all together 
during this time of quarantine, and we walk a fine line 
in doing that.
 The babies love having Neiah around all the time.
She.... needs time away from the babies some times.
Mommy does too.
 We have been doing a "home church" here weekly with the other
local missionaries taking turns sharing services online.
 This girl had a rough week a few weeks ago.
The Dr. ordered some blood work done to make sure 
her body is absorbing the proper nutrients since she
is still so small. That testing revealed that she had
Dengue Fever (or a flare up of an old case). She was
non systematic but it threw off her blood work (her levels 
got dangerously low). We didn't figure out anything
in relation to her size, but we are 
Thankful she has bounced back and acting "normal"

 This girl had her 1st Birthday in May.
She is a Mamma's girl, smart, sassy, and lets
her opinion be known.
 We have been blessed to celebrate 1 year Anniversaries,
with both our Aunties during this quarantine time.
We are truly blessed by the ladies God has provided 
to run along side us and help us take care of the babies.
"Support bags" is something we have been able to 
do more during this time as well. We are getting
more calls to simply help cover basic needs of children
who have been removed from their families. They have a
place to go, they just need the basic things (clothes, food,
personal hygiene items) during this time of transition.
These bags just went out today. Please be prayerful for
the two little girls that will be transitioning to a new normal
today. That they can feel safe and loved.

Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

February- April Catch Up.

We were gifted with these awesome (huge)
sleep sacks for the girls and they LOVE them.

Miss A loves her baby, and her horse.

Happy Palm Sunday!

Keeping the girls separated as sick germs went through the house. 

 This lady was pulling herself up at 5-6 months,
at 8 mos was taking steps, and at 9 months walking
around. She is always hitting milestones way beyond
her age, and acting far older then her 11 months today.
These two love playing together, and snuggling.
Miss A is constantly coming to hug or kiss Miss D.
and when she is getting tired or just needs to stop, Miss D
will go lay her head on Miss A's lap. :)

Happy Easter Sunday!
We, like most, are not able to be out and about, no school, no church,
but we were thankful we could invite a few people over for Easter 
brunch and fellowship this past weekend.

Things have changed for us, like most of you, during this Covid time.
but its not been a big change. Our lives are simple, and we like it that way.
Thankful for this time together, and that so far we are all still happy and healthy.

Friday, January 24, 2020


It started last weekend when we were blessed by a 
visit from the Harvest Call Awareness group, and continued
most of the week with hosting, or having visitors stop
by each day to spend some time with us.
Neiah, the babies and I were excited to have Uncle Alan
and Aunt Joanne stay with us for a few days this week too.
 I think the majority of Aunt Joanne's time here was spent on the 
floor, as the babies crawled all over her like a jungle gym. Or as
she crawled around the floor chasing them on her knees:)

Uncle Alan was at meetings most of the day, but Miss D
was able to help him do some online shopping at night:)

So thankful for their love and support. And the beautiful
way they love on our babies!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Happy Friday!

We made it through the first week back into a regular routine!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ms Shauna

This past week we were blessed with the help of Ms Shauna.
She arrived a few days after we got back on the island. With her
extra hands it made us settling back home run extra smoothly,
and it also gave Auntie some time off since she worked extra while
we were away in the states for Christmas. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas
(A little late)
From us here at En Gedi.
Thanks for all your prayers,
love, and support.