I thought I was doing better at keeping up, until I saw the last post
was a month ago today. June was clearly not documented as well as I
thought. Sorry about that.
Life at En Gedi has been busy but so blessed.
Big J continues to make positive strides
in both physical and cognitive development.
He still doesn't talk, and has very few letter
sounds/ words, but he continues to develop new
words via sign and uses that to communicate.
When Neiah is home these two are
best buds (if Neiah doesn't lose
patience with his wanting to do every
thing she does:). She always asks to
dress him so they can match the days she is home.
This guy loves to be outside or on the
porch, and is daily learning as he takes
things up to put in his box... then carries it
around, sets it down, and takes out whatever
it was he puts in his box. This is repeated for
long lengths of time.
This girl is growing and learning so quickly.
She is now moving at a very quick 'scoot' along
the ground, and has learned to sit up, and lay back down.
She is very proud of this new 'trick' and does it over and over.
Praise Jesus food has been started, and she loves it. She is finally
gaining weight at at 7 months she has moved out of size 1 diapers
and 0-3 month clothes!
Neiah continues to take her responsibility
of nightly devotions with Big J very seriously.
Even if she is 'grounded' for the night for bad
behavior she asks to come out to do devotions with
him before bed.
Last week Tuesday we welcomed little D. to En Gedi
She is one month new. We picked her up from the hospital,
(where she has been since birth) and took her right to court.
The court then placed her with us for the next month.
This court visit was hard. I was able to visit with the birth
mom a few mins. after court and the mom just cried and
cried as she held little D. She seems to be fighting for
little D and my prayer is that the bio mom can get
everything in order so July 16 (little D's next court date)
little D can go back with family. Prayers appreciated.
This girl LOVES to be held, and quickly lets you know
she is not happy if you try to set her down.
But I can't blame her after she laid in a hospital bed for a
month. So we take her up and love her to the best of our
abilities. ( Praise Jesus for Moby Wraps and other baby
carriers that make it possible to 'hold' her and still
give us use of our hands.)
We love seeing this gummy smile but are so ready
to see the bottom teeth pop through. They have been
'growing' for what seems a very long time.
Little D is so strong at just a month old. She is able
to push herself so high that we often come back
and find that she has rolled over on her back.
We also learned she can't be left alone on the boppy
or she uses her strong legs to push her over and ends
up on her head.
Over the last month we have had some
work done in the back yard. We added a 'garden'
shed to clear out the garage of all the extras that
have accumulated (mowers, weed wackers, wheelbarrow
ect.) this will help in cutting down on the obstacle course that
we now have to work through to get babies in and out of the car.
Jacob loves to sit and watch the workers, and now signs "work"
to me when I check in to see if he is ready to come out of his chair, or
continue to watch them work:)
We are all ready and very excited (It should be finished
today or early next week) about this new outdoor play place
for the babies to play. And just in time for summer vacation, and
getting the pool set up for the littles to splash in (without fear of the
dog trying to join in or pop the pool:)
Thanks for all the prayers, love and support.