Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Holiday Weekend

My mom and sister flew to the island to join us in Mobay
for a few days getaway. 
After a rough start (The hotel wouldn't let me check
in, then called the cops on me because I couldn't prove
I was the foster mom of the kids I have. Thankfully
with the help of CPFSA the hotel got the proof they
needed and finally allowed us to check in.)
 because we are early risers our mornings were spent
on the beach... because nothing else was open yet.
 at first Big J wasn't to sure about 
the sand, but as soon as he had
a bucket and shovel he was content
to play as long as he was allowed.
 The ocean was nice and warm, and Big J became
a champion splasher.
 This lady spent most mornings sleeping in the stroller.
 The hotel had a splash pad that 
Big J loved. It was perfect for him
to get used to vacation life.
 These two spent most of their days
in the water.
 This little lady got in the water too if she wasn't 
 The splash pad was a big hit with her too!
On Sat. we hugged Auntie K and Mamaw so they could
fly home, then made the trip over the mountains back
to our house. We then spent the next few days transitioning 
out of vaca mode, and back to reality.
We were so thankful for the time away, but I am equally
thankful to be back home and in a normal routine again.

Little J

Please be prayerful for Little J.
Last week Monday we got a call that he has been released to his
potential adoptive family. He left an hour later to go for his initial week
visit with the family. We were informed yesterday that his visit has been
extended to a 3 month trial stay with the family and that he would not be
coming back to us.
Please be prayerful for Little J and his new family as they all transition to
this new life together. 
This is something new for us, we have never had a child go with an 
adoptive family before, and we are so excited that Little J got placed 
so quickly. We will miss him and his snuggles, but Rejoice that
he now has his forever family!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Everyday life.

 I am thankful for the help of Auntie Betty who
comes 3-5 days a week to help out in the mornings
or afternoons with the littles. It gives me a chance
to run errands and step away for a little bit each day.
This boy has made great leaps and bounds
in his time here. BUT he is still clumsy 
on his feet. Weds night he tripped and bit
through his lip and we ended up at the Dr.
Thankfully after an hour we had seen the Dr.
 who assured me it was not as bad as I thought, and given
a Rx to help seal the wound to help it heal.
 Thankful that after just 3 days things are healing nicely
and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.
 One of Neiahs 'jobs' that she has taken on is
reading nightly devotions and stories to the boys before
bed. She takes great pride in this, and gets excited
when she can read them to sleep:)
 This is one of the boys favorite places. We don't really have a 
nice place for them to play outside as they are still unsteady
on their feet, but they love standing here and watching 
Neiah and Minnie run around the yard.
 Minnie typically ends up sitting right next
to them trying to play with any part of them 
she can reach.
 This girl is doing awesome. She is eating better, but
is still just a little peanut. She has also started creeping
(aka scooting) and starts to move around as soon as
you lay her down.
Neiah LOVES the roll of big sister and is always ready 
to play with (mother) the littles as much as she can.