And Praising God!
Tonight as I was sitting unpacking boxes
full of clothes that just arrived on the sea
container, I couldn't help but think where
we were at this point last year.
Last year, about this time, we just got
our 3rd placement and our first little girl.
We had a few things for her clothes wise,
but I remember the day after I got her going
into town to try and find some clothes for her.
This was a challenge because the clothes could
be found, but the clothes within my budget (what
I would liked to have spent) were cheaply made.
I was fearful to buy those because I knew they
would not hold up being washed regularly. On the
other hand there were good quality (carter or other
brands I knew) clothes too, but I couldn't justify
spending $15 for one of those onesies.
And now just one year later, we have been so blessed
by peoples generosity (Praise Jesus for clearance racks!)
and we now have tubs full of a variety of sizes, and
styles for each gender.
Its such a blessing being able to welcome littles
in, knowing we have everything we need
to properly care for their physical needs.