Sunday, July 2, 2017

Erin Vs. The Yard

For months I have been slowly trying to clean up the yard. 
Sadly after months of construction on the house, the yard is 
now a landmine of uneven terrain, rocks, concrete blocks, chunks of concrete, rebar 
parts, screws, nails, chunks of wood. ect.
Neiah and I have made multiple trips around the yard collecting 
and throwing away things we find hidden. 
Sadly we are still finding things...
Or shall I say some of them the lawn mower blade is finding for us :(
This mower blade lasted 2 months.
Thankfully another blade was sent so I was
able to simple change it, and keep mowing.
The next day, with the new blade on, I was
just about finished. I only had one more strip to
mow, when I looked down
And realized a nut had fallen off the mower, I was
now mowing with only half the handle in tact.
Thankfully I was able to finish mowing and will
simply be able to replace the bolt that is now
also lost in the landmine that is our yard.:)

I also called in some guys to clear out the 'bush'
part of En Gedi's yard.
Over the span of 2 days (a few hours each day)
a couple of guys from KP CCCD came to cut
down the overgrowth for the cows.
They were able to get a couple of truck loads of
food for the cows.
And I can once more see our neighbors, now that the bush area 
has been cleared!